Montessori education has helped children flourish for over 100 years, but when many prospective teachers contact us, they know little about it (and that’s okay!)
What these aspiring teachers do know is that they are seeking something different. Something that honors the natural curiosity and drives for independence they see in the children in their care, as well as their own instincts on supporting student learning.
“Montessori education is student-led and self-paced but guided, assessed, and enriched by knowledgeable and caring teachers, the leadership of their peers, and a nurturing environment.” – AMSHQ.ORG – What is Montessori?

When you step into a Montessori classroom, you will immediately notice that it is a peaceful, loving place where children can explore, feel secure, and build critical skills in language, physical coordination, concentration, visual discrimination, and problem-solving. Teachers speak in gentle tones, the daily pace is unhurried, and the decor is understated and homelike. Each child is treated as an individual to nurture with affection and respect. And, as is customary for Montessori environments, every detail is selected with the child’s whole development in mind.
By earning your Montessori certification, you not only acquire a highly sought-after skill (take a look at job boards in your area!) but one that pays at the higher range of early childhood education salaries. Most rewardingly, you are joining a community of educators as passionate, engaged, and idealistic as you are.
Dr. Montessori was ahead of her time, and today, significant research in neuroscience and child development is proving the strength of the scientific theory and research underpinning her philosophy. But of course, the best advertisement for Montessori is the Montessori children that grow up to be curious, lifelong learners.
If you are eager to learn more, try checking out a few titles from our suggested reading list:
- The Absorbent Mind, Dr. Maria Montessori
- Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius, Dr. Angeline Stoll Lillard
- Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work, E.M. Standing